A Focus on Cancer

When people receive the first diagnosis of cancer they think, why me? Or what did I do to deserve this? What did I do wrong? I ate healthy, I exercised every day. Why did this happen… Sometimes we can’t always find the answer to the why, it’s not always clear. I know that I felt the same way because I also have been on a journey with cancer. It has touched my life in many ways including my family, myself and patients.

How can Homeopathy help people who have cancer: as Homeopathy treats the whole person and never just one symptom, we look to the mental and the emotional state that someone goes through during cancer and homeopathy helps to boost the immune system. Homeopathy can work very well alongside chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Homeopathy can help support the patient going through all of these things at a very, very difficult time in their life. Feel free to give us a call at the office, Avghi will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

As homeopathic medicine is very supportive, integrative and complementary it does not have any side effects, and does not interact with allopathic medicine including chemotherapy and radiation. It is a good adjunct for people who have been diagnosed with cancer to include a professional homeopath as part of their health care team.

Patient testimonials:

“Thank you for 2 years of wonderful service that I am so grateful for. It’s so nice to be able to cancel as I’m doing so well!!! You helped me in my darkest days and was a kind voice that brought me much comfort and help and for that dear Avghi, I am so very grateful to you. D.M. Irvine CA Living my life to the fullest!!

I never thought I would get cancer, I’ve been so healthy all my life and to have this happen at 78 is a blow. I have included in my health care team, Avghi she is my homeopath and has helped me with the side effects of chemotherapy and the emotional toll cancer it’s taken on my life. RB Retired Long Beach CA

Without Avghi’s help I’m not sure I would of gotten through the trauma of a cancer diagnosis. Homeopathy has helped me with side effects of the western treatments. She helped with the depression and emotional trauma. I feel more balanced and healthy today than I did before cancer. S.P. Teacher, Santa Monica CA